People Who Are the Product of Incest Share Their Stories

They Are Madly In Love


“I found out after my grandmother passed away. It was when I was 16ish. I was reading her obituary and commented “Huh, that is funny. Grandma’s maiden name was the same as Dad’s.” My mom got the awkward moment seal look on her face and quietly said “You mean I never told you?”

Turns out Dad was mom’s uncle (Grandmother’s brother). For bonus points the two of them met at a family reunion. She had apparently talked to my younger brother about it but had forgotten to have the discussion with me.

They met at a family reunion at my great aunts place. Started corresponding via snail mail. Fell in love discussing philosophy, literature, and taking cross country motorcycle trips.

Apparently when they first came out into the open about their relationship there was the expected amount of shock and drama within the family. Particularly from my grandmother, great aunts (his other sisters), and my sisters (his grown daughters from a previous marriage). Things were pretty rough there for the first year or so, but then one of my great aunts called the family together and basically told everyone “They are consenting adults. They are madly in love. And this is the happiest I have ever seen either of them in their whole lives. Y’all are being idiots and if you think you are going to let your close mindedness ruin something this good for the two of them you will have to go through me first.”

Story credit: Reddit / @Brasston

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