People Who Are the Product of Incest Share Their Stories

She Never Told Anyone

Public Domain

“My grandmother is a product of [abuse]. The people she thought were her parents where actually her grandparents, and her sister Sophie was actually her mother. Her bio-mother, Sophie, was [abused] by a male friend when she was 17, and fell pregnant. Since it was 1929, abortion was not an option, so they made the decision for her to be raised as a sister, instead of granddaughter. She was not told until her bio-mother died at 35 from cancer. She was extremely upset at being brought into the world the way she was, and that she was never allowed to know Sophie as her mother.

My grandma never told anyone but her husband and my mom and her sister did not find out until my mom was 25 when my grandfather accidentally told her. I am technically not supposed to know, but my hearing is far more astute than my mom realized when she has phone conversations at full volume a room away.”

Story credit: Reddit / @swimcool08

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