Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

I Had an Accident and He Never Forgot


I am a 21-year-old male. When I was six years old and in First Grade, I once accidentally pooped my pants because I was too shy to ask the teacher if I could use the restroom.

When I did it, I came up with a plan like, “Okay, I am going to poop my pants and I’m going to try to make it through the rest of this school day. Then when I get home, I’m going to dump my underwear in the trash.”

However, this plan didn’t quite work out. Other kids knew I had pooped myself because they could see poop stains on my pants and I knew I was stinking.

My teacher called my mother about it, and my mother had to leave work early to come and get me. She escorted me to the bathroom, cleaned me up, and gave me a new pair of underwear.

When I look back at this incident, I laugh. Because it’s a funny story now that I’m all grown up. However, my father is still very negative about it. To this day, he often makes comments like, “I can’t believe you pooped your pants in school.

What the heck is your problem? When you pooped your pants that day, I knew there was something off about you.” I can’t believe he’s holding something against me that I did when I was SIX YEARS OLD! I pooped myself because I was too shy to ask the teacher if I could use the bathroom.

However, I was only six. It was first grade. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only child who ever pooped or peed on themselves. He’s making me feel abnormal about something I did when I was a little kid. Story credit: Reddit / DCT1997

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