Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

He Never Asks How I’m Doing


I’m currently a little over five months pregnant and I haven’t gotten as much as a “how are you doing” from my dad. But my mom and dad still talk regularly even though they have been divorced for 14 years.

And if my dad isn’t complaining about his current wife, he’s talking to her about how excited he is to be a grandfather. Weird coming from a guy who literally doesn’t speak to me.

In fact, on the rare occasions that our paths do cross, he treats me like I’m still 12 years old, so I’m not sure where he’s getting these ideas that he’s gonna be an active grandfather in my child’s life. His wife also just gave birth, so at the age of 28, I’m a big sister…again.

I called my dad to congratulate him on his new baby, and he said thank you. He was trying to make small talk about his new child, then the conversation turned to,

“Oh, I can’t wait to babysit my first grandchild, take her to do activities that a parent would usually do, and for her to have play dates and sleepovers with her uncle,” basically parent-free visits.

I’d like for my child to know her young aunt and uncle, so I’m not opposed to play dates, but I told him over the phone that I’m not okay with unsupervised visits, so sleepovers would probably be a no.

Also, you live an hour away, so it’s inconvenient for you to babysit. He just went silent and said we will see about that.

My father never made the effort to interact with me after my parents got divorced, didn’t try to get to know my husband, tried to make any milestone I had all about himself, and just doesn’t even know anything about who I am as a person.

So I don’t know if he’s going to try and treat my daughter as a do-over. To make matters more difficult, my mom keeps saying that I need to give my father another chance. Story credit: Reddit / MapleIceQueen

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