Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

We Have No Contact


I call my ex-stepfather Nascar Ned, and I have been in full no contact mode with him for over seven years at this point. This happened after my mom divorced Ned almost 31 years ago.

After my mom divorced Ned, I guess he got jealous that she chose to move on and date other people, because he got really, really creepy. He would park outside of our house and just watch the house in silence.

I lived in the country and my mom’s family owned all the land around my house. Ned lived 20 minutes away in another county. How do I know this? Because Ned owned a specific car in an unusual color with lights underneath it.

I think he thought he looked cool, but he didn’t. We could all see him parked across the road from us, awkwardly watching.

I don’t remember if my mom called the authorities on him, but even if she did we lived so far away from town that by the time they got there he would have been gone. What gets me is that he would sit out there and watch for nothing.

She didn’t go out that much, and that would only ever be on the weekends. She also had only two other boyfriends before she married my step dad. I don’t think my mom knows that I still remember this all happening. Story credit: Reddit / Squirt1384

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