Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

He Is Out of Control


The last time I saw my father-in-law, he was pushing his wife into the wall because she was trying to stop him from taking a swing at my husband (his son). He had gotten furious at my son for having a typical eight-year-old’s reaction to something, and he lost his temper and attacked our son.

My husband pulled his father off our son and told him to stay the heck away. The next 15 minutes were chaos. My father-in-law was completely out of control, telling us to “Get the heck out” of his house, refusing to get out of my husband’s way while we tried to leave, daring my husband to hit him, and trying to pick up our toddler who was crying from all the noise.

Our eight-year-old was howling in fear and pain and, the next day, he had a bruise the size of a softball on his hip, courtesy of his “loving” grandfather. So imagine my delight when this llama-looking jerk texts my husband and me a link to a recall of the type of water bottles our kids use.

Apparently, there’s a faulty valve or something in them. Whatever. This jerk hasn’t apologized for losing his mind on an eight-year-old and putting the four of us through an avalanche of terror because he couldn’t regulate his temper.

And NOW he thinks he should go ahead and text us “helpful” tips to keep our kids safe?? Hey dummy, the safest thing I can do for my family is KEEP THEM THE HECK AWAY FROM YOU AND YOUR ENABLING WIFE.

His wife has been known to say stuff like “That’s his way of saying sorry,” like it’s cute or something. No, madam. Offering a real, sincere apology is the only way to say “I’m sorry.” And even then, we don’t have to accept it. Enough with your pathetic rug-sweeping! Story credit: Reddit / MCFF

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