Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

He Used to Be a Great Father


This story sounds more and more bizarre to me the more I think about it. I am coming to realize that my father has changed from a great dad into a selfish, favorite-child-seeking jerk. I learned several years ago that I was just not in his “golden corral.”

And I don’t know what I did to deserve this Little Matchgirl treatment, always looking in and never invited. I called my dad to wish him and his wife a happy Thanksgiving.

In the course of the conversation, my dad let slip that my younger sister and her son from out of state would be staying with him over the long weekend.

Blah, blah, putting up Christmas lights, blah blah blah. Since I work full time and was off on Friday, I asked if I could come by and visit him, my sister, and my stepmom.

Most importantly, I wanted to bring my two granddaughters, i.e. his great-granddaughters, to meet him and the family. The girls are seven and almost four years old, respectively. He has not seen my kids for years. Dad says, sure, c’mon out.

So I made plans to gather up the kids and make the 40-mile trek to his house. Well, I was in for a harsh surprise. The next morning, I received a rather garbled text from my stepmom which I interpreted as, “Don’t come out. The dog won’t like it.” What the heck?

So, I called the house. My dad answered and when I asked what’s up, he confirmed that my younger sister’s dog is not a “people person,” and “might get upset” with too many people around.

“We’ll make it another time,” he said. Uh, yeah. My sister’s freaking dog’s feelings are more important than finally meeting his great-grandchildren.

At that moment, I realized that I have been making all the effort with him and my sisters, and that this effort is never, ever reciprocated. I think it’s time to be done and drop the rope. I’m just tired of being treated like the least of his acquaintances. Story credit: Reddit / ohyoushiksagoddess

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