Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

He Uses Substances in Our Home


My father-in-law got kicked out and still doesn’t understand why. This happened a few weeks ago now and I figured I’d post about it to kinda cope with the situation.

So late September or early October, my father-in-law moved in with my husband, our two-year-old, and myself. It went okay at first. My husband had told me that his dad wouldn’t use his substances in our house.

I had grown up with someone who had a serious substance problem and I wasn’t at all comfortable with the idea that my child would be around something similar. That and him keeping his room clean were the only rules that we had.

He did good with those rules for the first week or so…and then things went south really fast. My father-in-law has always had a problem with me. I didn’t graduate high school because my mental illness got to the point that I had to go to the hospital.

I had “ugly” face piercings, and I took his baby boy away from him in his eyes. Just an entire list that any normal person would have gotten over at some point because I make my husband happy.

He just couldn’t let it go. For months, he would make sly comments under his breath about my parenting, about how the food I cooked wasn’t to his liking, or about how I only cleaned after my toddler went to bed. I had told my husband for a while that I just wanted him gone.

I had my problems with him. It’s not really a big deal, but to me it was, for Christmas 2019. He got my husband a $400 radio that he had put time and effort into looking for. Nothing for my child. And for me? He got me something that cost $3 at the dollar store.

He literally saw it two weeks later and just thought “This will be good.” It doesn’t matter, but he clearly just held his son in a higher regard than his grandson.

I would say about a month ago, he blew up. My toddler was being loud because he liked the cartoon that was on TV and my father-in-law got upset about this. He had been sleeping for the past four days at that point, and I was apparently the reason that his sleep was interrupted.

So he said “This is garbage, I’m trying to sleep. Make that freaking kid shut the heck up.” I blew. I told him to get his stuff and leave. I texted my husband to get him out or the kid and I wouldn’t be returning home. My husband sided with me and kicked out his dad.

Yeah, I may have been a jerk about the situation, but later that night we were looking for evidence for confirmation of my suspicion about him using illicit substances in our house.

Turns out I was right. He was not only making his substances in our house, but was also smoking when no one was home. I was enraged and saw red. I blocked him on all social media, and advised my husband to do the same.

He hasn’t, because he wants his dad to get his stuff out of our house first. So at this point, our house is ours again. Now, he is apparently still talking smack about me to people, and can’t seem to understand that it was his actions that made him homeless.

This man literally does not take responsibility for his actions. He blames me for his actions, but I had the last laugh. Story credit: Reddit / society_killed_mexx

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