Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

My Kids Will Never See Him Again


My dad has bipolar disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. It didn’t really hit him until he was in his teens. He managed to mask the symptoms for years with substances, as did my mom—she’s a whole other can of worms. My grandma is no longer able to take care of herself and function.

She has two living sons, HJ (my dad) and Greedy Gambler (my uncle). Her oldest son passed from lung cancer in 2010 I want to believe. Her two remaining sons are both terrible people. For the past 15 years, HJ has emotionally manipulated and harmed me.

And I’ve been taking it because I truly believe that his mental illnesses are the reason that he is like this. Until one month ago. HJ called me after not speaking with me for months because he is now homeless.

I told him Gram was sick. His reaction was devastating. He said he didn’t care. He needed to stay in her condo and “I don’t care if she dies, but I’ll get the condo as part of my inheritance.” Y’all, I lost my mind. I called him a deranged, worthless substance user and I ordered him never to call me again.

I hung up and blocked him on everything. Two days later, a social worker from a hospital calls and wants to talk about him. I declined, but told her that he would work best in a permanent mental facility. She agreed, but informed me that HJ has declined all help.

I told her that I still wasn’t interested in ever talking to him again, and that was the end of it. I really do feel free now. I am content with the knowledge that my kids will never see him again. It’s been three years since. And they will never hear about him either.

Also, in case you are wondering, his nickname comes from the time when HJ thought he was Jesus for six months. Yea, he literally believed he was the reincarnation of Jesus. He even made a LinkedIn page for it. That’s why his nickname now is “Hypochondriac Jesus.”

Then, something happened that I knew was coming sooner or later. My grandma has dementia, so I have been getting her condo ready for a while now for when she passes. It’s finally ready to sell and everything has been replaced, including the carpet, showerheads, repaired appliances, etc.

All of the furniture is out and it’s completely empty. Cue HJ. He has been homeless for about a month now. He has refused all help from social workers and myself for the last 15 years.

He was offered a room in a rehabilitation facility and a long-term facility and he refused both. So, in his genius, he decided to try and break into my grandma’s condo. Which would have worked, except for one small detail…

He couldn’t remember what unit he was supposed to be in, and so he broke into a random family’s home and scared the daylights out of the kids. He was thrown behind bars very quickly, where he remains to this day. Story credit: Reddit / Xgirly789

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