Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

He Wants to Reschedule My Wedding


I work for the troops, which is semi-important to the story. My sister is going through the same training that I went through. With that said, I only get amount of vacation days a month each month and, like most things, I can’t go into the negatives of accumulated days.

My sister is graduating from boot camp next week and wants me to go and attend the ceremony. One issue is that I’m getting married in March, and I’m taking a lot of vacation days for the celebration. But also, I want to be there for my sister on her big day.

But due to financial and vacation day issues, I can’t go to both the graduation and my wedding. I’m going back home for my wedding, which will be very expensive and time-consuming, so both are simply not possible.

Now, right after graduating, my sister will have to go to tech school (training class for her job) and she’ll be in training for at least two more months. And then more training at her first base.

The only time she’d be able to take vacation during that time at all is two weeks in between her going from her tech school base to her first base. After that, she’s in training for at least six months straight. Here’s where my dad comes in…and makes everything a problem.

My dad wants me to reschedule the wedding so that I can go to the graduation, and so that she can go to the wedding. Ordinarily, this would make perfect sense, but everything is already paid for and booked and has been for a while now.

After I told my father about these issues, he said something so  to “pull the veteran card to reschedule and get a refund.” Now, I barely even like asking for discounts at places, let alone doing something like this. After I said I wouldn’t do that, he dug in even further. 

He started guilt-tripping me and saying I’m a bad brother because I wouldn’t reschedule my wedding so that my sister could go and so that I could go to her graduation. He goes to these extremes every time he brings it up.

I keep telling him that I can’t do anything about it and he makes the guilt-tripping even worse. I just don’t know what to do anymore. He’s had people in our family who are veterans yell at him, basically backing me up and saying the same thing, but he just basically ignores it.

I just want this to be done and over with because this has been stressing me out so bad that it’s affecting my personal and work life. It is putting my stress and anxiety through the roof. Story credit: Reddit / Ryr42

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