Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

He’s Very Snarky and Condescending


This is the story of how my terrible father-in-law finally got called out on his nonsense. He always tries to make my wife and mother-in-law out to be the bad guys. A bit of backstory: My wife and I got married about six months ago.

Due to some unfortunate goings-on, we’ve been living with her parents while we get our life together. Her father has always had a few issues here and there, but tonight’s story took the cake. My mother-in-law is not very tech-savvy, and asked my wife to help her with a computer problem.

While my father-in-law has always dealt with these in the past, he tends to be very snarky and condescending when doing so. So when my mother-in-law asked my wife to help her, she was more than happy to oblige.

My father-in-law was livid. He wanted to always be the one to fix the problems. My wife, who is very non-confrontational, asked him to let her have some space and she would be more than happy to take care of it this time. For whatever reason, this did not sit well with him one bit.

He started calling her all sorts of nasty names—and then it took a disturbing turn. He eventually threatened to slap her. I was not present at the time, and I only found out about this later. I lost my mind when she told me about it afterward.

“How dare you think you’re going to threaten my wife? You will never, ever lay a single finger on her, do you hear me?” This of course escalated the situation even further. The funny part? My mother-in-law had our back the entire time, and even let loose a few shots of her own.

My father-in-law then starts trying to flip the blame back towards my wife. I kid you not, he says “If you weren’t so nasty, I wouldn’t have threatened you.” This, of course, caused more of a shouting match. Finally, my father-in-law says, “Then you two can just leave.”

We all began immediately laughing at him. My mother-in-law is the breadwinner of their house. My father-in-law can hardly be bothered to move from his chair, let alone pay for anything in the house. My mother-in-law tells him that we are staying right there and that there is not a thing he can do about it.

My wife is still understandably freaked out about the whole situation, and I imagine that I won’t be feeling much better when the adrenaline wears off. But I feel like it ended up being a small win. Plus, my mother-in-law is cool as can be! Story credit: Reddit / JoJoMacXSC

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