Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

I Paid the Check in Full


This is gonna be short and bitter, but I just need to rant and thought that some of y’all out there might find this story interesting. So my husband and I flew to Florida for a short vacation and to see my step-son who had just moved down here a couple of months ago. 

Since my husband’s mom also lives here and my husband’s birthday coincided with the visit, I decided that it might be nice if I treated the four of us and my mother-in-law’s long-term boyfriend out to a pretty fancy and not cheap dinner to celebrate the occasion.

We had a lovely dinner, successfully embarrassing my husband with a special birthday dessert complete with singing and all. When we were all finished, I clearly paid the check, as I had promised to do.

I did this despite my step-son trying to give me a $100 bill toward paying the check, which I appreciatively but absolutely rejected.

I was very touched by the gesture, but more mention it because the exchange was not subtle. It was witnessed by everyone, so it was abundantly clear that I was the one paying the check and treating everyone to this lovely celebratory dinner.

My husband then excused himself to go to the bathroom and we all started getting ready to leave the table, too. Just then, my mother-in-law’s boyfriend says “Thank you guys!” Wait, guys?? Who does he mean by “guys”?

My husband wasn’t even present at this point, and I had obviously paid for everything myself. Guys? Okay, whatever. Don’t be so sensitive, right? But then, he dug in deeper.

We go to get our cars and as we are waiting for the valet to bring them around, my mother-in-law’s boyfriend goes over to my husband and thanks him directly, with a warm handshake, for buying him dinner!

My husband tries to tell him that it was all me, and that he didn’t have anything to do with it, but the boyfriend starts arguing: Oh, well yeah, but he knows it was really my husband and he appreciated it!!

What in the heck? I was standing right behind them, clearly hearing every word they were both saying. He didn’t say another word about it to me directly, even when my husband corrected him again, and even when I hugged him goodbye.

I know I should get over it, but I’m just annoyed and offended and insulted and feeling affronted on behalf of all women, and I’m hoping this rant gets me through it so I can stop thinking about it while I’m on vacation! Story credit: Reddit / shiksagirl

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