Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

He Asked If I Had a Drinking Problem


My obnoxious father-in-law randomly decided to ask my husband if I had a drinking problem…because I had two glasses of something very light at dinner when he was here visiting and I had work the next morning. I know, I know, the horror!!

Maybe be concerned if you saw me more than once every few years and I had a true problem or if I was harming myself or other people by driving a vehicle afterward? But I’m a 32-year-old ADULT having a casual drink at my own darn dinner table.

I’m gonna enjoy my weekday drink and go to work the next morning completely unphased, because two glasses of something very light doesn’t even get me at all tipsy.

It’s especially unfortunate, too, because this was the first time that we saw him in almost two years after an awful trip, and I was actually trying my hardest to give him a second chance. But nope. He really is a piece of trash human. Story credit: Reddit / piekaylee

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