Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

He’s Upset That We’re Not His Babysitters


About a month ago, my father-in-law got upset at us for not spending the night watching his daughter and take her to school in the morning, because I had a final exam at 7:00 in the morning the next day.

He then proceeded to take money out of my boyfriend’s bank account, just to be a jerk, and then asserted that my boyfriend should have made me take an Uber or take the bus to the exam rather than drive me, as we had previously agreed to.

My father-in-law makes a point of saying that me getting to my final exam on time was not his priority. Since then, I’ve made it a point not to go over to his house over the holidays.

He didn’t have his daughter at his house until a few days ago, but at some point, while my boyfriend and I were out, his dad texted him and said he had another Christmas gift for him.

We decided to swing by and pick it up. While we were there, my father-in-law asked if my boyfriend wanted to go to the gym with him. Of course, my father-in-law asks if I’m willing to watch the kiddo while they go, saying they’ll be back in about 90 minutes.

I’d already talked at length to my boyfriend about how I felt about being roped into babysitting and then left indefinitely at the house while my father-in-law takes advantage of the situation.

My boyfriend confirms that they’re just going to have a quick workout and then come right back, so I agree. Additionally, my boyfriend’s younger brother was home from college as well, and also in the house, so ostensibly there was someone else there to take over when my boyfriend got back.

Well, it turns out I was totally wrong. His younger brother goes and grabs some Subway sandwiches for us, but then proceeds to head off to the computer room, leaving me alone with the little one.

I don’t mind initially, until I overhear him on the phone with my father-in-law, telling him that he has dinner plans with his girlfriend. I’m immediately suspicious.

Sure enough, within a couple of minutes, the brother comes in and asks if it would be okay if I watch the little one while he and my father-in-law go grocery shopping? He knew straight up that I was not okay with it, but in my head, I knew that I was going to use this to drive my grievances home later on, so I said yes.

My boyfriend could hear the sheer disdain in my voice and tried to talk to me about it, but at that point, the little one was hovering around and I was not trying to argue about it in front of her.

So I brush him off and tell him to just hurry up. Little brother also takes the chance to go over to his girlfriend’s house. Fast forward. It’s 10:00 PM. My father-in-law and boyfriend get back. As we’re leaving, the little one jumps into my arms and pleads with me not to go.

The younger brother also tells my father-in-law that he did nothing while they were gone, and that I was handling the little one the entire time. I see my father-in-law make a face out of the corner of my eye.

He’s clearly very pleased that his daughter and I get along, because it makes her look forward to coming over to his house. My father-in-law at no point thanks me for staying an extra three hours to watch his daughter. The plan is moving along nicely.

Flash forward to this morning. My father-in-law wants to go to a local amusement park for a fireworks show at around 6:00, and also wants to hit the gym with his sons before taking off for the event.

I’m super tired from the night before, which was my friend’s birthday, and I tell my boyfriend straight up that I don’t want to go, but that if his little brother’s girlfriend goes, then I would go as well so he wouldn’t be stuck alone with his father-in-law.

My boyfriend says not to worry about it, and that I should just stay home, rest, and enjoy my day. He leaves on that note.

About four hours ago, my boyfriend sends me a text message saying that all of a sudden my father-in-law is telling him it’d be “okay” for him to break off from the family and go pick me up “if he wants,” because little brother’s girlfriend isn’t coming either and the little one is bugging him hard about me being there.

My father-in-law was even willing to pay for my ticket and dinner. I knew exactly what to say to ruin his day. “Nope. Tell him I have other priorities for New Year’s Eve and the rest of the winter break.”

My boyfriend just messaged me saying that the little one has been sulking nonstop since my father-in-law told her that I wouldn’t be coming.

Apparently, he promised her that I would be there without ever actually asking me if I wanted to come along with them for the night, and all she wants to do is go home and play with blocks.

She doesn’t want to stay for the fireworks because she’s “already seen them,” i.e. with me. My boyfriend is trying not to laugh the whole time that he’s hearing this. The moral of the story?

Don’t promise your little ones that someone will be going with them to an amusement park on New Year’s Eve without ever asking or inviting them first, then subtly trying to pressure their boyfriend into convincing them to come out when they don’t show up with him.

You do that, it’s pretty much on you if you are left stuck dealing with a sulking eight-year-old while your other kid tries not to lose his mind laughing. Story credit: Reddit / larniebarney

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