Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

I Finally Cut Him Out of My Life


I finally cut my father out of my life this spring. We had been having very little contact for about 20 months previously, after having had a really bad relationship since the spring of 2017.

The only reason he was in my life anyways in the previous eight years, since I moved out at the age of 18 for a whole lot of good reasons, was because I fell for his guilt-tripping.

He treated me badly, endangered my life, and did really terrible things to me for more than a decade. To name a few: after I was taken advantage of by a teenager, he said it was my fault and that I was promiscuous for seducing my poor attacker into betraying his girlfriend.

Yeah, you read that right. After I was forcefully intoxicated and taken advantage of, he called me a bunch of names, blamed me for it, yelled at me, told everyone what a horrible person I was, and made my mother punish me. But that’s not all he did.

He lied to her and told her I had been sleeping around with the whole village, which was not true. He then essentially locked me up at home until it was too late to go to the authorities or the hospital to do anything about it.

He tried to prevent my mother from pressing charges when I was underage and a gang tried to physically attack me for being bisexual, because the lives of the poor gang members shouldn’t be destroyed for attacking a loser like me.

He enabled my brother to physically and mentally harm me for 20 years and tried to force me to continue being mistreated and keeping it a secret because “I deserve it.”

Also, because my not covering it up might destroy the poor guy’s life. He blames me for his favorite child losing friends after he beat me up in front of them.

He grounded me in my room at Christmas so that my brother’s friend could have a “family Christmas” without being bothered by my existence.

He tried to ground me and forbid me to have friends because one dared to tell me it was not normal to be treated the way I was and another one refused to be my brother’s slave. I was 18 at that point and moved out weeks after that.

My dad essentially kept me as a slave whenever my mom wasn’t around. There were times in my life where I was literally starving while he showered his other son with gifts, completely aware of me not having food.

He tells everyone I am insane when I try to complain about any of these things. In the spring, I totally came out of the fog while, at the same time, he started to try everything to destroy my life.

Really everything he could think of. Some incredibly terrible things. You would think he was fine with me cutting him out. He didn’t try to have a relationship with me anymore and instead tried to destroy my life. But no.

He feels that he is entitled to having me as his obedient slave because he impregnated my mother. At least he thinks so.

After I decided that I’d had enough of him pestering her with his fake grief and trying to get information about me, I wrote him a message demanding that he stop asking my loved ones about me and pretending to care for me while still lying about me and trying to destroy my life.

The answer I just received: “You forget that those are my loved ones too. Also, you shouldn’t forget that you owe your existence TO ME. So accept what I do.”

My mom read it and just said, “block him, he’ll never change.” She is currently working on moving out herself, and getting as far away from him as possible. I think she’s right to do that. But really, that sense of entitlement that he has is unbelievable!

Because he had intercourse with someone more than 25 years ago, I now need to be his obedient slave for as long as he lives? Story credit: Reddit / concrete_dandelion

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