Fathers-in-Law That Turned Their Children’s Lives into Complete Nightmares

I Want to Report Him for Voter Fraud


My father-in-law filled in my husband’s ballot for him during the last election. Yes, for real. He left for an out-of-state job a few weeks before Election Day, but before he left he filled in my husband’s mail-in voter ballot and left it for him to sign.

The audacity! My husband told me about it a few days later, and so we got him a new replacement ballot. We just bought a house and we’re just waiting for underwriting to finish so we can close.

I’m just so annoyed and angry on his behalf and like, he knows that it’s wrong and that’s why he told me, but I know he’s ignoring it just because we’re already taking the steps to deal with all of this and now it’s just down to a couple of weeks and then we’re gone from having to live with him.

I just really wanna report him for voter fraud but I know my husband just wants to keep things calm. So when we close, we can load up without too many problems and get the heck out of there once and for all. I’m just raging and wanting to scream. Screw him.

Screw him for hovering over my husband’s shoulder every time he votes and forcing or trying to force him to vote exactly as he wants him to.

It’s been nine years since my husband could vote, and he’s never been able to vote in peace because of his father’s imposing ways. And I wanna hit his father for it. Just. No. Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

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