In That Moment They Snapped And Decided to Stop Helping Others For Good

Squatter’s Rights


“Had a friend years ago who was a bit self centered & prone to stretching the truth, but he was a nice enough guy with a rough backstory and my friend group liked him, so I cut him a lot of slack. I like to host and I have friends staying over pretty regularly — back then, I usually had one or two people spending the night on any given day. Anyhow, over the span of a couple of years this guy starts abusing that — staying over for days or even weeks at a time, eating my food and drinking my liquor without contributing, that sort of thing … While constantly talking about his grand plans and day dreams as if they’d already happened. A little sad, but also pretty annoying after a while. Anyhow, I sit him down one day and let him know he’s gotta head home, and that he’s free to come over and hang out but I’m not comfortable with him staying over for the time being. He leaves, I think it went remarkably well and head out to work…and it turns out that he broke in while I was away at work and stole a bunch of my sister’s things because “his birthday was coming up and neither of us even thought to get him a gift.” It takes a special person to rationalize how burglarizing someone is really their fault. Anyway, all slack and sympathy went out the window immediately … Called the cops and he’s dead to me.”

Story credit: Reddit

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