In That Moment They Snapped And Decided to Stop Helping Others For Good

He Didn’t Pick Up the Free Furniture 


“I had a 7′ couch I didn’t want to move, so I put it out on the front lawn with a sign that said “FREE.” A guy came by and said, “I’ll be right back to pick this up.” I changed the sign to “SOLD” and he never came back.
Hauled the couch back out to the front lawn next week with a “FREE” sign. Another guy came by and said he wanted the couch. I told him, “Give me $10 and I’ll hold it for you.” He handed me a $10 bill and was back in 15 minutes with a pickup truck. I gave him back his $10. People are nicer when they’ve got skin in the game.”

Story credit: Reddit / YesRocketScience

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