Never Let Anyone Live With You Without a Contract

“In freshman year of college, my friend of about two years got kicked out of his parents house. He said he needed somewhere to stay “for the night” till his parents cooled off.
I said you can stay a week if you want but more than that and you’ll need to pay me rent (he made pretty good money, more than me even). I was kind of hoping to find someone to split the bills with anyway.
A week rolls by and he hasn’t even looked for another place. His parents aren’t letting him come back.
I ask him if he’s going to stay, he says “if it’s alright with you” I say sure, just pay me half the cost of the apt every month. He said he can’t (I know damn well he can). I say “well then you gotta go”
He asked if he could stay another week. I said no. He got pissed at me for that. I then got pissed at him for getting pissed at me. I gave you a place to stay and you are mad at me??? Totally ended the friendship.
Never let anyone into your place unless you have a signed contract”
Story credit: Reddit