I Thought You Liked Panicking For the Holidays

“anytime my ex had his family over for holidays, I’m talking 5 or 6 people, all from the other side of the country. Ironically, he never seemed to know ahead of time that they were all coming over until like the day before or whatever. Every. Single. Time. So I would prepare the house… because he always had to work until the very minute they needed to be picked up from the airport. And then it was expected that I would cook dinner. Now this is my fault really…because I did it the first time, giving him the idea that I would do it every time. So i ended up always doing it because he “didnt have time” or “I’m better at it”. So family would show up, I’d be cooking and cleaning, everyone else would be playing games and socializing, then hours later my ex would he falling asleep on the floor drunk. I finally said NO the last time he told me everyone was coming over. I said NO, I’m sick of being taken advantage of. His response? “I did it for you, I thought it would make you happy. Didnt you have fun all the other times?” To which I replied “I thought you didnt know until today… when did you decide this would make me happy?” Well… I got a hotel room and stayed the fuck away until they all left. Came home to an empty, trashed house. when i came home the family was gone, he was at work (of course) and he left the house trashed. idiot me just cleaned it up and stuck around another year or so after.. just refused to host any “sudden” family get togethers”
Story credit: Reddit / cklamath