The Most Horrible Thing People Have Caught Their Classmates Doing During School

Welcome to America


“In 4th grade we had a few foreign students. Being it was NY, it’s not a big deal to see someone come late into the school year because they were from another country. This kid (lets call him Ahmed) just came to NY, had no English at all but was a beast in Math. During one Math class he was already finished with one section of the SYMS book while the other kids were palm sweaty from a few questions in. He sat there for some time and was really bored, then he gets up goes to the waste bin and proceeds to take off his pants and [poop] right into the waste bin. The teacher was so shocked she didn’t even make a sound. He gets up, puts his pants back on and sits at his desk as if nothing happened, the whole class is either disgusted or laughing hysterically, I of course fell out of my chair from laughter. The teacher started yelling at him, but he didn’t speak any English, so she took him to the principles office. Later when I went to give in the attendance for class I noticed he was there with his parents present already, and the mother tells the principle that Ahmed said if there was some sand around he would’ve covered up the smell by putting sand on it. I burst out laughing again, Ahmed seen me and smiled devilishly. The principle explains that there are facilities for which this act can be done without interrupting his classmates or alerting his teacher. His mom just says, look my kid had to go, why would you spend time walking around searching for a place to go do your business when you already have a container for trash right near him. Ahmed was a chill kid, and says in English the only word he learned that day, s s sorrry. A few years later when he learned most of the English language I asked him about the event, and he told me “Oh, I was bored so I wanted to make a statement to america that [I am] here to stay.” 

Story credit: Reddit / @c1utchh

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