The Most Horrible Thing People Have Caught Their Classmates Doing During School

He Interrupted a Horrible Plot


“In 10th grade I caught a classmate sitting alone in a rarely-visited stairwell drawing something that looked like a rough building plan. I would do those occasionally, such as when designing games which involved building maps, and I figured he was doing something similar so I started chatting with him. Neither of us really had any other friends prior to meeting, so we ended up hanging out basically every lunch hour for the rest of high school.

Slightly less than 3 years later, shortly after HS graduation, he informed me that on the day we’d met, I’d interrupted his designing of the route he’d be taking in a school shooting, which he’d been planning because he’d felt like everyone else hated him.

I am very glad that I took the time to stop and chat with that random lone high school kid way back then. He’s been a lot better since then, and is doing pretty well for himself now.”

Story credit: Reddit / @Gluttony4

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