The Most Horrible Thing People Have Caught Their Classmates Doing During School

He Found Out That His Girlfriend Left Him in a Note


“Dude in my US Navy bootcamp class (you had to take like Navy history classes etc) found out in a letter that his GF had left him. Took off running right as we were going into class, leapt onto a 3rd floor rail ledge thing (it was San Diego and classes all had outside entrances, no inside hallways) and then proceeded to do a swan dive onto the concrete 30 feet below with his hands held behind his back. Dead instantly. Saw him dive but only heard him land. We were immediately pushed inside by Company Commanders and then locked down. When we got to head back to the barracks a little while later, they were using a fire hose to try to wash all the blood away. Very disturbing to 18 year old me.”

Story credit: Reddit / @thewitt33

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