The Most Horrible Thing People Have Caught Their Classmates Doing During School

A Cheater’s Revenge


“In 7th grade a classmate of mine had cheated on my best friends math test which was worth 1/3 of our grade in that class. The worst part is he actually tried to blame it on my friend who was about to get in serious trouble because the teachers thought it was him. After him telling me this I did something pretty ballsy. After class I went up to my math teacher and told him who really did it, but he still claimed that he knew exactly who it was. At this point I was so frustrated I quickly blurted out “why don’t you make both students retake it and whoever gets the better score is the one who didn’t cheat.” He agreed and said that both of them would take it after school so I decided I would wait for him so we could walk home together. He simply walked out an hour and a half later and gave me a hug saying “I don’t know what I would do without you dude.””

Story credit: Reddit / @thenameszcal

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