People With Step-Parents Who Are Younger Than Them Share Their Stories

We Made a Pact


“My mother’s husband is two years younger than my husband. My husband is seven years older than me. So my mom’s guy isn’t younger than me but it still is a weird dynamic.

My mom jokes that I always dated older and she always dated younger so it was bound to happen. We actually made a pact when I was twenty that I wouldn’t date anyone older than her and she promised she wouldn’t date anyone younger than me. We both had some close calls but held true to the pact.

The only really weird thing is watching our husband’s interact. They are serious best friends whenever there is a family get together. If we can’t find one we look for the other.

There isn’t a cookout or birthday party where they decide to give each other piggyback rides or cake eating contest or something silly and fun. My favorite thing is when my husband yells “You aren’t my real dad, you can’t tell me what to do!” They are goofballs.” Story credit: Reddit / @Undead_Mistress

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