Incredible Stories of Bad Neighbors Who Finally Got What Was Coming to Them

Winning Numbers


I had a neighbor who won the lottery (about $800k USD after taxes) and he decided that made him God. He also had an addiction problem and would stay up late partying and playing music at all hours of the day and night.

I live in a small mountain town and the sound echoes terribly. Well, this guy “Dear John’d” his husband of 8 years and at one point was making violent threats against him.

The authorities got involved and the neighbor got slapped with domestic charges. But that’s just the beginning: AFTER the charges were filed, this neighbor decided he would buy a firearm, which was totally not allowed.

He had to lie about the pending charges to get it, and then he told his ex that once he got it, he was going to end him. After that, he decided that partying out in Portland was more important than attending his court date, and he subsequently had a bench warrant issued to him.

On the Friday of a St. Patty’s weekend, he was blasting his music again, so I called 9-1-1 to register a noise complaint. He likely had a scanner, because every single time, before they came, he turned down the music.

They’d arrive not hearing any music, then let me know there was not much they could do. At that point, I let it slip that he had an active warrant. They ended up taking him in.

Because he blew all of his lottery money and alienated himself from every friend he used to have, he spent the whole long weekend behind bars with every other jerk who was there.

About three weeks later, he put his house up for sale. A crowning achievement for me. Story credit: Reddit / HBICharles

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