Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

He Was All Ears


When I was 23, I had plans to sleep at my partner’s place on Christmas Eve to spend time with her and her daughter. Prior to leaving my house to go there, the 12-year-old sister of my friend was texting me about a drawing she had made from an anime we both enjoyed.

When I got to the house, I ignored my phone for the rest of the night. I got up in the morning, and while my girl made breakfast, I checked my phone to go through all of the Christmas messages.

She looked over my shoulder many times, saw me messaging the younger sister back, and jumped to the worst conclusion without context. I set my phone down to talk…but that was the wrong move.

To her, it looked shady. However, she looked the sister up on social media and apparently refused to take the age and family connection of my best friend into account. That relationship didn’t work out in the end. Story credit: Reddit / (apexassassin247)

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