Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

Missed Connections


I had a train wreck of a first date. It started when I picked her up in my bright pink, two-door 1995 Ford hatchback. It was pouring rain out, and my passenger side window was leaking.  We drove to the ferry terminal for a 25-minute ride to our destination. 

The water was rather choppy, and I soon found out she gets motion sickness. Thirty minutes into the 25-minute ferry ride, I found out that she hadn’t eaten lunch and was super hungry but nauseous as well. We were now 45-minutes into what was supposed to be a 25-minute ferry ride—we were on the wrong ferry!

Our dinner reservations were in five minutes. Ten minutes later, we finally arrived at the destination. We were on the right island but the wrong town.  It was a 35-minute drive to our reservation.  We were unfamiliar with the area, so we got lost. We finally arrived an hour late.

My date managed to eat but was past the point of being hungry and her stomach was still heaving from the ferry ride. Then, we missed the last normal ferry back.

We had to waste time for another 45-minutes in order to get on the next ferry.  We both fell asleep on the ferry ride home. I dropped her off and drove another hour back to my place.  For some reason, she agreed to many future dates with me. Story credit: Reddit / (deviantsource)

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