Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

Back-Handed Compliment


I met this guy at my college. We had no classes together, but every time he saw me on campus, he would ask how I was doing and smile at me. Over the course of a few months, we chatted a few times in the library and set up a date to go out for coffee.

He didn’t have a car, so I picked him up at a mall that I was unfamiliar with. After I met him, I forgot where I parked. It took me about 45 minutes to backtrack where I came from, and during that, he was constantly trying to grab my hand, put his hand on my lower back, or rub the back of my neck.

I’m a person who’s incredibly uncomfortable with physical contact—even hugs from close friends—so this was extremely awkward for me. We finally found my car, and we headed out for the coffee place.

He placed his hand on my thigh. I tried not to think about it and focus on driving. I chatted mindlessly about interests and stuff, trying to distract myself from the situation. When I let slip that I played World of Warcraft, he made fun of it. 

When we finally reached the coffee shop, I found a somewhat-shared interest between us. He bought me a drink, and we talked about old books. We were getting along better, and for the moment, he stopped touching me—but my nightmare wasn’t over yet.

Then, as I was making a point, I held my hand over the center of the table, and he grasped it with both of his hands. He started licking the back of my hand. My voice trailed off, and his eyes met mine.

I tugged my hand away and feigned sickness shortly thereafter. After driving him to the college, he kissed me. I never contacted him again. Story credit: Reddit / (flarify)

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