Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

Monkey See, Monkey Do


On Halloween night, I sent the guy I was seeing a picture of me and my openly gay friend who he had met on multiple occasions. He immediately got all sulky and quiet, then he proceeded to ghost me.

I tried texting him over the next week trying to understand what happened but then realized it wasn’t worth trying to save us. I ended up getting him on the phone about a week after. The call was civil but felt quite awkward. After a few minutes of small talk, I brought it up and asked what happened. 

His response shook me to my core. He said, “Well, you cheated on me. You literally sent me a picture of it.” I couldn’t help but laugh. I explained to him that was my gay friend. But he refused to believe me. I even texted my friend to ask if he remembered taking a selfie with me, and he said he did.

I sent the conversation to the guy and only then did he believe me. I continued the conversation with my friend, and he told me he saw my ex hook up with another girl at another party the next day. Story credit: Reddit / (lophile)

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