Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

Not My Undies


When I was in college, I had a boyfriend from “back home” who lived about an hour away. He didn’t like me going to college and he was always suspicious of who I was with. I always invited him down to the campus, but he never wanted to come.

This resulted in me spending every weekend driving an hour north to stay with him. On Halloween weekend, he finally agreed to come down to see me. My friends wanted to go to this party and I was invited. I think he didn’t want me to go, so I figured I would just bring him along with me.

I was staying at a friend’s house as a temporary living situation, and the entrance to her duplex was very hard to see. I told my boyfriend to call me when he was close so I could walk out to the street to direct him down the driveway.

He texted me to say he was approaching, and I waited for the call but I never got one. Finally, I went outside—and my stomach dropped. I had terrible cell service in this area, so as soon as I did, I saw five missed calls from him.

Listening to his angry voicemails, he’d called because he couldn’t find the house where I was staying. I walked to the street then called him back. Immediately, he said that he had “heard everything I said” and that he “couldn’t believe I would do this.” I had no idea what he was talking about.

I saw his car turn a block away. I started waving my arms to get his attention while asking him on the phone what he was talking about. He told me the first house where he parked was having a gathering in their backyard behind a fence.

He swore he could hear my voice telling some guy how I “hated my boyfriend but couldn’t think of a way to dump him.” He said he even heard people addressing me by name. I was stunned and tried to reason that it did not make sense as he’d watched me walk out of the house to get his attention.

It would’ve been impossible for me to have been there and then appear 30 seconds later at the actual house. But his lofty accusations didn’t end there. He then said I must have hopped over the fence and ran up the street to call him back.

I didn’t know what to say as the claim was so ridiculous and physically impossible. We spent the entire night fighting, and he screamed at me so loudly that I broke down and cried so hard that I threw up. I stayed with him for six more months. Story credit: Reddit / (ralmeida)

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