Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

The Stolen Stilettos


I’m a teacher and I like to be super involved in school events, so I volunteered to chaperone the prom. My wife always joked that I had no proof of going to school functions and that I probably had a secret family.

Prom went on pretty late, and I was there making sure the parking lot cleared and everyone got home safe. Then I got a text. One of the students who’d been at the dance was in a panic because she’d taken off her designer stilettos and forgotten them.

She asked if I could look for them then bring them to school on Monday because she didn’t know what the venue would do with them. I found them easily enough–they were huge, sparkly, and gaudy.

I tossed them onto the passenger seat of my car and forgot about them when I got home. My wife asked me the next morning to borrow my car phone charger. I said yes and then passed her the keys.

Less than a minute later, she came back in freaking out about the stilettos. I laughed and showed her the message on my phone. Story credit: Reddit / (ThePhiff)

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