Something About Sally

I’d been friends with Mike for years before he met Sally. She was jealous and didn’t like any time he hung out with any woman, even if she was there. He loved her, so didn’t set boundaries. Once, Mike was redecorating, so he invited me shopping so he could use my discount card.
We went to the store, he chose new furniture, and then he dropped me off. When he got home, Sally accused him of cheating with me. Another time, I invited Mike to my work event. My company was holding a snowboarding day for employees and their guests.
We hit the slopes together each winter, which was why I asked him to be my guest. We drove up, spent the day on the slopes, and then he dropped me at home.
That night, she blew things up to gargantuan proportions—yelling and curse words aside, she told him she wasn’t comfortable with him being alone with me. Then a few weeks later, Mike and I met up for a sports event when my husband was on a work trip. We attended, then we went our separate ways.
When he got home, Sally gave him an ultimatum because she said she had evidence of us having an affair. Mike and my husband were best friends and they always talked, so this was doubtful. She pointed to the texts about my discount card, the free snowboarding day, and the sports event.
The time we spent hanging out and texting each other was apparently evidence that we were cheating. She told him that it was either her or me. Our friendship stopped existing after that. Story credit: Reddit / (sirmegsalot)