The Brother Betrayal

My youngest brother has been staying with us. My wife and I have a 5-bedroom home but currently don’t have children yet, so we let him stay here. My brother has always been…different. He’s a bit of a loner and doesn’t have a lot of friends outside of his online group.
He’s a shy, geeky kid but he’s otherwise all right when you get to know him. Or so I thought. So here’s what happened. The wifi doesn’t quite reach my brother’s room, so he usually does his school work and other stuff in the dining room.
A few nights ago, I was walking to the fridge after waking up in the middle of the night, and saw my brother working on something. As I got closer, my jaw dropped. I saw a very compromising picture of my wife; a cleavage shot as she was gardening.
He noticed me and quickly closed the window like he had something to feel guilty about. I was too shell-shocked to say anything at the time and he just smiled awkwardly and ran to his room with the laptop. When I realized that something was up, I knew I had to find out more.
The next day, I asked my brother to pick up some groceries and some lunch for us. While he was away, I went to his room and, well, it wasn’t pretty. I saw a couple of my wife’s bras and some of her panties, which I can only assume he used to pleasure himself. I took his laptop and screw it, decided to snoop.
I knew his password, and it was there that I saw some of the most sickening entries I’ve read. There were pictures of my wife in a towel, her working out, her in compromising positions, etc. All taken without her consent by the looks of it. The creepiest part? He sometimes listens in on us when we sleep together.
My wife can be a bit loud, but we didn’t think it would be a problem since his bedroom was in a different part of the house. I left the room feeling like I needed a shower. It was absolutely disgusting. Now I don’t know what to do. I find myself fighting the urge to pummel him into next week every time I see him.
I haven’t told my wife yet because I’m 100% sure she will feel violated and disgusted, so I want to find the best solution first before doing so. I so desperately want to kick him out but he has nowhere else to go. Even if I do, what should I tell my parents? The truth? This will most likely break the family apart.
I do plan on telling my wife soon but if I do, I can almost guarantee she would want nothing to do with him and would never want to visit the family if he’s around. I’m so lost right now. Still fighting the urge to beat my brother to a bloody pulp. Story credit: Reddit / (ThrowRA-PO)