Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

The Sweetheart Scooter


I met this guy during a party at a friend’s house and really hit it off. We agreed to go out. He showed up at my house and rang the doorbell with a six-pack in his hand. He then told me that he needed to use my porch to smoke a bit before we left to go out.

Then he asked, “And by the way, what do you want to do anyway”? I sat on the patio with him while he chain-smoked and suggested that we maybe just grab a drink somewhere. He then pounded back two cans of brew, threw the empty cans on the patio, and walked back inside.

At that point, I was flustered, just went with it and followed him back into my house. He then told me that he couldn’t drive because he rode a scooter, and I would have to drive.

When we got in my car, he took off his shoes and plastered his dirty feet against the inside of my windshield. I should have turned around right then, but we went to the bar. The bar was nothing special, and after one drink, I said I was ready to go.

When I got back to my house, he tried to shove his tongue down my throat. I did an awkward face turn and got his tongue on my cheek. He then retrieved his four remaining cans from my house and left. We never spoke again. Story credit: Reddit / (conundrummed)

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