Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

My Brother’s Keeper


I had been trying to date my friend’s roommate for a few months and finally got up the courage to ask her out to dinner. Just as we were getting ready to leave her apartment, the phone started ringing. She answered and got this weird look of disgust and concern across her face.

She handed me the phone and walked into her bedroom. As I was bringing the receiver up to my ear, I could hear the sobbing. My brother had been dating my friend, and they had recently broken up. On the other end of the phone was my brother, completely trashed and pining for his girlfriend.

After what seemed like an hour, I finally got my brother to tell me where he was. He was about six miles from his house, calling from a payphone. I tried to get him to call for a ride, but the next thing I knew, he dropped the receiver, and all I could hear were cars driving by.

I tried to hang up to call the authorities, but since my brother didn’t hang up, I couldn’t disconnect from the call. I seriously started to get worried. In my mind, I was picturing my brother passed out in a parking lot—or worse—getting into his car and attempting to drive home.

The rest of the night fell apart as I tried to find my inebriated brother and also get a phone that was 30 miles from my location hung up. We wound up never having dinner, and after that night, she didn’t want to talk to anyone from my family. Story credit: Reddit / (paingawd)

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