The Hidden Folder

I’ve been dating this girl for over five years, and she’s very special to me. Even at this point, I can’t help but hope she’s not too worried about why I’ve been acting so oddly. I honestly was planning to marry her sometime in the future as soon as we settled into our adult lives.
But fate had to go and throw a massive wrench in my plans. One day, we were chilling at her house when I asked her if she could send me the funny picture she took earlier that day of one of our puppies. She was busy on her computer, so she told me to just grab her phone to send it to myself.
When I went into her phone gallery I noticed a “hidden” folder, which I hadn’t seen before. Out of curiosity, I opened it. I immediately regretted looking at it. It was filled with explicit pictures of her, most I’ve already seen. Some of which, however, she’s never sent to me before.
I thought maybe she was stockpiling for whenever I asked for any…I soon found out how wrong I was about that one. I clicked on a video. It was an intimate bedroom tape from the POV of the guy, but the thing is—I don’t remember filming it. It 100% wasn’t me, and it was a recent video.
For the last five years, we’ve had a few shares of fights, but nothing too serious. She’d always make me feel loved and I could tell she really cared about me. Or at least I thought she did.
After I returned her phone to her, I quickly got up and went home. I couldn’t stay there any longer. And now I’m here. I don’t really know what to do. I’m planning on confronting her and breaking it off, but right now I’m just in shock.
Five years down the drain, and I feel like I just lost my best friend. I’m not really sure how to feel. I can’t think straight. Story credit: Reddit / (throwrahoneypoop)