Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

What Happened After Summer Camp


Years ago, I went out with this girl I met at the summer camp we both worked at. Camp had ended, and I had agreed to drive the hour between our houses and pick her up for a night of teenage romancing.

I had spent a number of hours deciding on which restaurant I would take her to, then where to go after, even down to what time I would take her home.

When I arrived to pick her up, I was surprised to see her out on the side of the street rather than in her house, but I paid no mind. I had her hop in, and we were off. Dinner passed without a hitch. After dinner, I suggested that we go to a cafe around the corner for dessert.

We ended up splitting a slice of cheesecake, which was how I knew I was doing well with her. It was starting to get more than a little flirtatious. There was hand-holding and that sort of thing, which set my loins on fire.

The entire time, I noticed that she kept ignoring a phone call from someone, but again, I still didn’t think to question it. We got up to leave, ready for the passion of the night to begin. She told me about a place on her street where we could park and be alone, which sounded perfect.

I put the pedal to the floor—driving with the heart of a Nascar champion—intent on getting to her street as fast as possible. As we turned on her street, we were greeted by a horrifying sight. There were four cruisers parked outside of her parents’ house.

Her response was, “Oh no, I didn’t think they would do that”. I pulled up to the house in time to have four officers tell me to step outside the car with my hands up.

I learned that the girl was not 17 like she had said, but was actually 15. She had two female parents who were extremely prejudiced towards men in general, so they had disallowed her to see me.

She had snuck out to go on a date with me. Her parents had called the authorities, informing them that their daughter had been taken.

So, there I was, an hour away from home, being questioned and trying to hide my quickly dying libido. Eventually, everything was dropped, and I was allowed to go. We did not see each other again. Story credit: Reddit / (squaresoccerball)

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