New Baby Blues

My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for a year and we had a baby boy last week. I had a natural birth and my boyfriend was there throughout the whole process. I screamed A LOT, and each time I did, he whispered something awful to me.
Things like, “Can you stop screaming, you’re really embarrassing me.” I also threw up a few times and I saw him cover his face in shame. When I held the midwife’s hand for comfort, he whispered, “Let go of her, stop being so embarrassing.”
He also said that my birthing position was embarrassing too, and called me a few vulgar names. I’m really upset about his behavior that day, especially when it was when I needed his support the most.
When I try to talk to him about it, he denies ever saying it and that I’m being silly…I tried asking him about couple’s counseling, but he refused. My mom has agreed to let me stay at hers until I can find a new place for myself and the baby.
I haven’t said anything to him yet about splitting up; I’ve been advised not to so I am still planning out how I am going to take the next step. Story credit: Reddit / (ThrowRA540098)