Surrogate For My Sister

I have agreed to carry my sister’s baby for her, as she is unable herself and lacks the financial resources to pay a surrogate. I am happy to do this…or at least I was. The baby is biologically my sister’s and my brother-in-law’s. This child is made from her last and only viable egg.
They had tried many times before, but they all failed. So I am 6 months along at the moment and I met a lovely man recently and we are in the early stages of a relationship. He knows about my situation and is very accepting and considerate. Before agreeing to carry their baby, we had some firm rules in place.
They asked me to stay away from any bedroom contact with men. I agreed and I really didn’t mind, nor do I mind it right now. The agreement was no bedroom intimacy of any kind, and I have not done anything with anyone, as was agreed. But this is where it started to unravel.
A few days ago, I introduced my new boyfriend to my sister and brother-in-law, and at first everything was great. They invited us for dinner last Saturday, we had a great meal and a great time together. They all seemed to get along—that is, until he had to leave.
When my boyfriend had said his goodbyes, he then came over to me and hugged and kissed me. It was quite passionate but not in a vulgar way, nor was it for a long period, literally seconds.
As soon as he left, my sister and brother-in-law jumped down my throat. They were talking about how I broke the rules, and how disgusting and wicked I am. I genuinely was shocked, since I had not expected such a reaction for just getting a kiss.
I decided not to argue or even get into a conversation with them and just walked home. I live about a 30 minutes walk away, and by the time I got back home I had an email waiting for me. Its contents made my blood boil.
The email contained our original agreement but now it included a section with “No kissing of any kind,” and they want me to sign the new agreement. I don’t want to sign it at all, not in the slightest.
I have been more than accommodating and considerate of all their original requests, and I feel like they are now crossing boundaries and acting as if I am some kind of farm animal they own and control. However, I don’t want to create any further animosity between us.
They have been calling and texting me since then and I have yet to answer. I understand their anxiety and worry from when we originally made the first agreement, and I viewed it and still view their initial request as acceptable.
I wasn’t in a relationship at the beginning of all this and they were worried about potential STI, and I understood and I was already taking a break from men at the time.
Still, I am doing this completely for free and without any reward other than helping my sister have her first and only biological child. Story credit: Reddit / (ThrowRA_927)