Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

Lucky Penny


I had just moved to Chicago and was very lonely. This ridiculously hot guy asked me out at the bus stop. Two weeks later, we went on a date. He did T-shirt designs, and I was a pianist, so for our first date, we were going to give each other a lesson in our respective crafts. This was a huge mistake for me. 

My piano was in my apartment, and I lived alone. I didn’t know this guy, but I was young and dumb—and he was incredibly hot—so I let him in. I should have run. He started going through my things, choked my cat, and knocked my closet door off the track.

I was scared and needed to get him out of my apartment in the smoothest way possible. We left to have Thai food. He sat on the same side of the booth as me and burped—with purpose— in my ear.

He also conveniently didn’t have any money, and I had to buy his dinner. Then, he let me know he had A RESTRAINING ORDER ON HIM FROM SOME GIRL HE WENT OUT WITH RIGHT BEFORE ME. 

As we left and started walking down the street, he flicked a penny at a homeless person, made fun of the sculptures on the street, and screamed at a lady’s poodle. It was then I took off, RUNNING away from him. I ran back home, hoping he couldn’t remember where I lived—he did.

Hours later, someone let him into my apartment building. I got a knock on my door, looked out the peephole, and saw it was him.

I was about to call the authorities, but he ran away when I threatened him with it. He lit up my phone for two weeks after that. I thought I was going to have to move. Story credit: Reddit

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