Bulking Up Beauty

I went to a large university, so it was hard to meet people in class. Luckily one semester, I had a couple of small discussion sections and hit it off pretty well with a guy in my Shakespeare class. We decided to go on a date to a local cafe. He and I had nothing in common outside of liking Shakespeare.
He only talked about weightlifting and “bulking up”. His only hobby was weightlifting, which I knew nothing about, although I asked a lot of questions. He started berating me for not weightlifting and asked what sports I played in high school.
I was a cheerleader and ran track, which he said “didn’t count” and that he “couldn’t date a girl who didn’t do sports”. I can run a half marathon, know all sorts of elaborate jumps, and I’m pretty flexible, but apparently, those aren’t sports. Story credit: Reddit / (coldsandovercoats)