The X-Ray Exposé

I took a co-worker of mine to a baseball game. We had a great time, got pretty tipsy, and took the subway back to my house to close off the night properly. When we were going through the exit turnstiles, disaster struck. She got her toes stuck under them.
She started freaking out and yelling at me angrily, saying her toes were broken/fractured until the ambulance got there. When the paramedics arrived, they un-trapped her toes within three minutes.
We drove 30+ minutes to the hospital and were stuck there for hours with her badgering me about how much pain she was in as she sat in a wheelchair. The X-ray came back at 6 AM—with a twisted surprise. We found out there was absolutely nothing wrong with her toes.
I paid for the expensive cab ride across the city and put her to bed in my guest room, so I could wake up two hours later to go to work. Story credit: Reddit / (chooeybacca)