Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

The Mango Mystery


I was eight months pregnant and I got some blisters on my lip. I also developed a really noticeable rash on my chin. My husband and I went to get it checked and the urgent care doctor thought they were cold sores. It seemed like a common problem, but my husband immediately became furious. 

I have never had cold sores, nor has he, so he automatically assumed that I must have been sucking face with somebody who did. This turned into a situation where I became very upset because I was eight months pregnant.

I was not thinking about any kind of intimacy and definitely not with anyone but my husband. My test ended up coming back negative for herpes. The doctor said that I was allergic to the mangoes that I’d shoved my face in a few days before. Story credit: Reddit / (pinkmatador)

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