Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

Note In The Pocket


My girlfriend found a slip of paper in my work pants with a woman’s name and phone number on it. She asked me who “Cynthia” was, but I had no idea what she was talking about. Then, she handed me the paper. I was confused and just stared at it because I honestly had no idea.

Surprisingly, after a lot of back and forth, we managed to move on from that, and three years later, we bought a new house. While we were sitting on our couch, it suddenly dawned on me.

Cynthia was a customer who had liked the necklace I was wearing, and I had told her that I’d gotten it while on a trip to Europe. She gave me her number so I could let her know the name of the jeweler. I was too naive to realize that Cynthia had actually been flirting with me.

I told my wife of my revelation and apologized since it’d looked like I was cheating on her. But I think my obliviousness was key enough because she did marry me and had never brought it up. Story credit: Reddit / (BearimusPrimal)

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