The Country Club Crane

I met a girl in a college class and noticed that she was looking at golf clubs on eBay. Being a golfer myself, I figured it was a perfect conversation starter and went with it. After we exchanged numbers and some conversation, we had a golf date at a local country club for the following afternoon.
The first few holes went well, but then the 7th hole happened. I was about 230 yards from the green, so I pulled out my 3W club. I saw a pair of sandhill cranes that were only about 150 yards down the fairway, so I paid them no attention.
I took my swing, and, to my surprise, the ball was a low line drive that got no more than a few feet off the ground. Also, to my surprise was the fact that one of the birds was in the way of the ball.
It was a direct hit to the neck, and the bird went down for good—and that’s not even the worst part. Sandhill cranes mate for life, so when one passes, the other will sit there for hours crying for the other one. It was sad, but little did I know my date LOVED these birds. The look on her face was horrific.
She broke down in tears. We played the last two holes, exchanging only a mere few words. I didn’t hear from her again. Story credit: Reddit / (rektt)