Relationship Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

Ride Of A Lifetime


A regular customer of mine who knew I had a new bike asked if I wanted to go cruising with him, later on that week. Happy to have someone to ride with, I accepted. We met up at my work, grabbed a few bottles of water, and then we were off.

Halfway through the ride, we stopped, grabbed a coffee, and chatted for a minute. We continued to ride and wound up at this beautiful part of the local beach I didn’t even know existed. Things began to feel a tad bit off at that point, but I didn’t think much about it.

We parked the bikes and chilled out on a log overlooking the water; there was no one else in sight, which was rather odd timing. There was a long moment of silence.

I looked away to gaze at the scenery and I felt a hand on my leg.  When I looked back, he planted a wet one right on my lips. I stood up and screamed out of shock. Embarrassed, he jumped on his bike and sped away.

It took us an hour to get there, but since I didn’t even know what part of the beach I was at, it took me three hours for me to get back to my car. I had no idea he thought this was a first date. Story credit: Reddit / (ViciousMountainGoat)

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