Following The Signs

Everything I did was proof of me cheating on him in his mind. I mopped the kitchen floor one day when the phone rang, and I ran across the house to answer. The floor wasn’t dry yet, so I slipped and hit my knee. It was him on the phone.
I told him I fell and it looked like I was going to get a decent bruise on my knee. But his take on the situation made me livid. To him, I took longer to answer the phone because I was with someone, which resulted in a bruise.
There was also the time someone at his work was going on about sleeping with a married woman with the same name as me. They said she worked at a tire shop in town. I forced him to call the tire shop.
He did and asked for her, which was when he finally believed me. Every time he got a new job, he claimed that his coworkers were whispering about sleeping with me.
Even when I went grocery shopping with our kids, I must’ve been cheating because I was in town with three kids in tow then came home with all the groceries. I had to leave him for my own health. Story credit: Reddit / (thiswilltakeamiracle)