Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

Hitting Ignore

Pexels / Tom Official

Last year I was going through the self checkout at Kroger late one night. There were a few other people at said self checkout, but it was far from busy.

I attempted to scan an item that was on clearance, and it brings up the “wait for attendant” message. I see the kid working the section talking to another coworker about 20 feet away.

The hand modules they use have an ignore function, so they don’t have to come over every time someone doesn’t know how to use the machines (95% of the time).

Dude hits the ignore button. I know it wasn’t gonna scan without his approval, so I hit the “call attendant” button. He presses ignore again.

This happens 8 times. When I finally went over to ask him for help, he bolted to the back before I could catch him. I wasn’t mad, just annoyed.

So I left the self check to go get in a regular line. Just so happened that a manager was walking by and asked if I was having issues, since I was leaving self checkout.

I told her what had happened and she was furious.

Never saw that kid at Kroger again.


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