Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

The Donuts Aren’t Sugar Free

Pexels / Alexander Grey

I used to work at a cafe when I was in college. We had a guy come in once very angry because we messed up his coffee when he came through the drive-thru.

Instead of sweetener, we added sugar. This wouldn’t have been a huge issue to fix and generally people are level-headed and realize that mistakes do happen.

However, he was throwing a hissy fit claiming he’s a diabetic and that spoonful of sugar would have surely finished him had he ingested more than one gulp of the coffee.

Because he was freaking out like a rabid dog, my manager stepped in and offered him any other item on the menu for free because he wouldn’t accept just a redo of the coffee.

Buddy decides he wants a dozen donuts. No problem. I pack up the dozen, hand it to him. He then proceeds to eat not one, not two, but THREE lard-sugar-fat glazed donuts in front of my eyeballs even though he just claimed he was severely diabetic.

Smacking my head.


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